Grenoble INP Rubrique Formation 2022

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility : Project 2018

What is an Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility ?

This is a call for projects lasting between 26 and 36 months created in 2015 which has a dual purpose: to promote student and academic staff mobility by offering mobility grants and to develop partnerships between Grenoble INP - UGA and the countries of the Erasmus+ program as well as partner countries. Since its creation, this call for projects has been the opportunity for Grenoble INP - UGA to collaborate with Tunisia, Morocco, Cameroon, Vietnam and Armenia.

In 2018, Grenoble INP - UGA won a project with Armenia, Morocco and Tunisia. This project took place over 2.5 years: 2018-2019; 2019-2020 and the first half of 2020-2021. It was indeed impacted by the covid-19 crisis.

Project Overview

The Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project 2018-1-FR01-KA107-047620 fitted perfectly the international strategy of Grenoble INP - UGA.
During the project submission, one of the strategic axes was the internationalization of the institute. Grenoble INP - UGA trains all its students to work in an intercultural context and to develop this skill. The presence of international students in our classes and the visits of international teachers or administrative or technical staff are therefore essential.

Another axis of the international strategy of Grenoble INP – UGA is to develop balanced collaborations with emerging countries. Thus, the three countries targeted by the project 2018-1-FR01-KA107-047620, namely Morocco, Tunisia, and Armenia, are perfectly in line with this axis.

Grenoble INP - UGA has a long history of cooperation with Tunisian and Moroccan universities, so the choice of these two countries was a natural one. For Armenia, this project was an opportunity to start collaborations with universities in this country. This choice can be explained mainly by the local context: the Armenian diaspora is very established and active in Grenoble and Valence.

More information


The objectives of this project were :

  • To allow students from these three countries to improve their educational training in order to better answer the needs of globalized companies through international mobility
  • To strengthen the influence of the best public universities/engineering schools in these countries on French and European companies
  • To contribute to the development of the international relations of partner institutions
  • To strengthen the influence of Grenoble INP - UGA in these countries
During this project, many people were able to benefit from a mobility:
  • 55 students did an inbound mobility
  • 1 teacher did an outgoing mobility,
  • 2 administrative staff did an incoming mobility and 1 outgoing mobility


In addition, the project has made possible:

  • The arrival in France of excellent students coming from social backgrounds that do not usually allow international mobility
  • The creation of several new mobility agreements (NPUA, YSU) and double degrees (NPUA, ENIT & ENISO in Tunisia)
  • The development of joint training and research projects
  • The development of the attractiveness of the international relations of partner institutions
  • This project has also allowed to enhance the European support to the development of higher education in partner countries in Morocco, Tunisia and Armenia, encouraging the adoption of models developed in the framework of the Bologna process and the Erasmus program for the development of international student exchange programs.
  • The development of new skills, attitudes and knowledge among students, teachers and staff involved in promoting internationalization within their institution.
In the long term, increased collaborations with partners are expected, both in teaching and research.