Grenoble INP Rubrique Vie etudiante 2022

Accommodation in Grenoble and Valence

Housing in Grenoble and Valence

International Student Accommodation:

  • The agreement between Crous and Grenoble INP - UGA allows international students (individual mobility, outside of exchange and partnership programs) to access housing in university residences.

National Student Life Portal:

  • Find housing, apply for scholarships or financial aid...

Crous Grenoble Alpes:

  • Housing in university residences, information, advice, and assistance with housing.

Disability Support:

  • Disability Support Service: Information on how to apply for adapted housing.
Other information on the UGA website for International Students

Emergency Solutions and Short-Term Housing



  • Hotels (via the Valence Tourist Office)

The 115:

The emergency number assists homeless individuals and those in severe social distress. Its primary mission is to direct these individuals to housing solutions and provide information on access to rights.

Renting and Shared Accommodation

There are numerous private student residences in the Grenoble and Valence metropolitan areas. A comprehensive list of private housing options in Grenoble can be found here >


Housing Assistance


DossierFacile helps you create a strong digital rental application to maximize your chances of finding housing.

Learn more >

Getting Around Grenoble

Grenoble, a dynamic university city, offers numerous mobility solutions to facilitate your daily travel. Whether you prefer public transport, cycling, or walking, discover the available options to move freely around the campus and the city. Find itineraries, access plans, campus maps, and information on carpooling, car rentals, and taxis.

Learn more on the UGA website >

Getting Around Valence

The city of Valence offers a range of mobility solutions to help you move freely and easily access your campus. Whether you use public transport, a bicycle, or a car, discover the routes, access maps, campus maps, as well as carpooling and car rental options.

Learn more on the UGA website >

Private Park

Guide :
Setting up your rental file & Protecting your personal information

For more information: