Da Vinci surgical robot: Génie Industriel students travel to Italy

From March 18 to 19, three students from the Responsible Design program at Grenoble INP - Génie Industriel took part in a research mission in Bergamo, Italy.
Under the supervision of Guillaume Thomann, lecturer and researcher at Grenoble INP - Génie Industriel, UGA, the main aim of this mission was to contribute to research on the use of augmented reality to help surgeons correctly position the entry points of a tele-operation robot.

The five entry points located on the patient's thorax need to be in the best possible position for the type of operation to be carried out, as well as to allow “comfortable” access to the mitral valve on which the operation is to be performed, in order to reduce the morbidity rate and maximize the chances of achieving a successful ring implantation.

Students attended a surgical operation to install a ring on the rim of a defective mitral valve. The research collaboration takes place with two surgeons who are world-renowned for their innovative use of this new-generation tele-operation robot.

The team arrived in Bergamo in the early evening of Monday March 18, where they enjoyed a pleasant outing in the city for dinner, sharing moments of conviviality.

The following morning, the team met up at the hotel with the lecturer and researcher who had welcomed them to guide them to the Bergamo hospital clinic. From 9 a.m. onwards, the students were able to closely observe the operation, and attend the initial and final briefings. The entire operation lasted 5 hours.
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After the surgery, it was time for relaxation and cultural discovery. Along with the lecturer-researcher and two students from the University of Bergamo, the three students from Grenoble INP - Génie Industriel, UGA enjoyed a light snack before exploring Bergamo's old town.
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The mission helped strengthen ties with their Italian counterparts and deepen their expertise in medical technology.