Grenoble INP rubrique Ginsen

Urban modeling and analytics

Level: Bachelor

Themes covered:
Urban environments face several challenges, such as the rising population, increasing pollution and waste, which results in unsustainable mobility, energy and water access. Simultaneously, there is also more and more data being collected and stored at the urban level - from smart meters to weather stations, wifi spots or even posts on social networks - that enable us to understand better how the urban environment is being used, and understand the challenges and new trends.

In this workshop we will explore what type of data, methods, tools and applications that allow us to make sense of urban data and how this can contribute to develop more sustainable urban environments. A special focus will be given on how urban analytics can contribute to the design of smart energy systems at the urban scale.

Teaching language: English

Instructor: Carlos A. Santos Silva

Department: Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Technical University of Lisbon

Ginsen Smart Energy option is sponsored by Persyval Lab